
Start date Registration deadline
Supporting student learning in your course 13/11/2024 07/11/2024 counts as ½ workload day
Supervision of masters' thesis - (Taught in English) online 08/11/2024 01/11/2024 counts as ½ workload day
Supervision of masters' thesis - (Taught in English) on campus 23/09/2024 16/09/2024 counts as ½ workload day
Supervision of masters' thesis - (Taught in Danish) on Campus 09/10/2024 02/10/2024 counts as ½ workload day
Supervision of BA Projects 28/10/2024 21/10/2024 counts as ½ workload day
Self-paced module in blended learning - 2024 counts as ½ workload day
Oral examination and assessment 27/11/2024 20/11/2024 counts as 1 workload day
On Demand - Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods in Master Theses 14/08/2024 07/08/2025 counts as ½ workload day
On Demand - Philosophy of Science and Quantitative Research Methods in Master Theses 14/08/2024 07/08/2025 counts as ½ workload day
On demand - CORE (Collaborative re-design of courses and programmes) Workshops counts as 2 workload days
Leveraging diversity in the classroom 07/04/2025 31/03/2025 counts as 1 workload day
Learning to teach (taught in English) 30/01/2025 23/01/2025 counts as 2 workload days
Learning to teach (taught in Danish) 27/01/2025 20/01/2025 counts as 2 workload days
Learning to teach (taught in Danish) 24/10/2024 17/10/2024 counts as 2 workload days
Introduction course for CBS Instructors (only for instructors) HELD IN ENGLISH 23/01/2025 16/01/2025 counts as 1 workload day
Introduction course for CBS Instructors (only for instructors) HELD IN DANISH 21/01/2025 14/01/2025 counts as 1 workload day
Integrating generative AI into Course Design 07/10/2024 30/09/2024 counts as 1 workload day
How to practice continuous feedback 23/10/2024 16/10/2024 counts as 1/3 workload day
From the theater to the classroom: an actor's perspective on teaching 25/11/2024 18/11/2024 counts as ½ workload day
From how we learn to how we teach building the bridge between the learning sciences and teaching practice (Online) 18/11/2024 12/11/2024 counts as 2 workload days
Creating a meaningful and sustainable work-life in academia: Workshops for post-tenure faculty 11/10/2024 03/10/2024
Case-Based: Writing teaching cases and teaching guides 30/10/2024 23/10/2024 counts as 1 workload day
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