Pedagogical - EN

On Demand - Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods in Master Theses

Time & Location

The course takes place on-demand. Dates and times are agreed with the participants. 

(E-mail to

Registration deadline

Target Group
Teachers who supervise large written student projects, i.e. master theses. Depending on the study program context, the course may also be relevant for teachers who supervise bachelor projects as well as larger 1st, 2nd and 4rd year projects. New as well as experienced supervisors can benefit from the workshop

Course Content
In this workshop we introduce you to the design-based approach and present a selection of tools used by designers to structure processes. We will also do a range of activities together to apply some of these tools and reflect on how they can help us address inclusion issues we are facing in our own teaching practice. Design tools that we introduce and practice in the workshop include “speaking rules” that can be employed to redefine the social roles of students in course work and class discussions and pushing a more equal distribution of speaking time among students. We will also work with problem-framing, to first re-design our challenges before trying to create the optimal conditions for inclusion in the business school.

After the workshop, participants should be: 

·         Better able to help students with questions of philosophy of science and methodology

·         Better able to guide students in discussions of quantitative research design, data collection, analysis and interpretation

·         Better able to articulate the relevance of philosophy of science and methodology for business school projects

IMPORTANT! If you want to register to the on demand course, please send an email to

Course Literature

Course manager

Thomas Presskorn-Thygesen, Dept. of Management, Politics and Philosophy,


Fee (CBS employee)

Fee (external participant)
Registration form