Pedagogical - EN

Self-paced module in blended learning - 2024

Time & Location

Registration deadline

Target Group
All teachers at CBS

Course Content

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • reflect on how blended approaches can support student learning
  • review and compare multimedia formats that effectively support content delivery
  • review and discuss online tools and approaches to promote active and social learning
  • review online tools to support student feedback and assessment 
  • reflect on colleagues' experiences of shifting to blended learning 
  • capture some initial ideas about how the ideas presented can be applied to your own course

Since this course focuses primarily on the online dimensions of a blended course, it may be beneficial to supplement it with a course about activating face-to-face teaching in a blended environment.

To enroll the self-paced course click here.

This self-paced course counts as 0.5 APP/HETEP days provided that you participate in the course activities and reflect on key learnings in writing. To this end the final reflection exercise in module 5.4 asks you to reflect on what you've learned and allows you to generate a word document which you need to send to in order to have your APP points registered. 
In order to revieve a certificate mail, please mail

Course Literature

Course manager


Fee (CBS employee)

Fee (external participant)
Only for employees at CBS
Registration form