Pedagogical - EN

Creating a meaningful and sustainable work-life in academia: Workshops for post-tenure faculty

Time & Location

Friday 11th of October 2024. 9 am – 1 pm. SP.208 
Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg C

Friday 25th of October 2024 9 am – 1 pm. SP.208 
Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg C

Friday 8th  of November 2024 9 am – 1 pm. DH.V.0.46

Dalgas Have 15, 2000 Frederiksberg C 

Registration deadline

Target Group
The target group is academic faculty post-tenure.

Course Content

The workshops take place over three days for 4 hours each day.

There is no preparation, however, active participation is mandatory for all four hours each day. Participants will be requested to shut down their email inbox and silence their phones.


Course Literature

Course manager

Sanne Frandsen, associate professor.

Career and writing coach for academic faculty.

Sanne Frandsen is an Associate Professor in Organization at Lund University, where is also serves in a managerial role as Head of Section. In addition to her academic job, she has extensive experience coaching academic faculty individually and in groups. As a conversation partner, she helps academics craft their jobs in ways that play to their strengths and values. She uses a narrative approach that enables academics to reclaim their own story in their research, work, and life – as a way to challenge the pressures of fast-paced production and overwork in contemporary academia. As an associate professor, she does research on topics of identity work, meaningful work, storytelling, crisis, and change.   

After the workshops you will be able to:
•Design your academic vision statement and story
•Prioritizing and aligning work tasks for greater impact
•Managing the inner critic
•Communicate with power
•Develop sustainable writing practices (that fit a busy workday)
•Feed your creativity
•Learn from shared experiences
•Get peer support from the collegial community

Fee (CBS employee)

Fee (external participant)
DKK 15.000
Registration form