Pedagogical - EN

Supervision of BA Projects

Time & Location
Monday the 28th of October 2024
12:30 - 16:00 

Location: DH.V.0.30 
Dalgas Have 15
2000 Frederiksberg C 

Registration deadline

Target Group
Teachers who supervise 1st, 2nd and 3rd year projects.
New as well as experienced supervisors can benefit from the workshop.

Course Content

In this workshop, you will be introduced to different sources, themes and concepts to improve your supervision skills. Inspired by real-life situations, we will discuss dilemmas and best practices in project supervision.

A part of the course will deal with project exams, especially how to handle group exam and individual assessment.

The workshop will cover the following areas:

  • What characterizes a professional supervisor
  • How to improve as a supervisor
  • How to handle the students’ struggle with their research question
  • How to give feedback in different ways
  • How to handle group exam

Course Literature

Course manager

Ulla Bergen, Learning Consultant, Teaching and Learning
Jens Tofteskov, Learning Consultant, Teaching and Learning

After the workshop you might be better at: 
Mapping the student´s needs
Formulating questions to promote student’s progress
Handling group exam
Assessing the students

Fee (CBS employee)

Fee (external participant)
Registration form