Pedagogical - DK

Learning to teach (taught in Danish)

Time & Location

Thursday the 24th and Friday the 25th of October 2024
Both days from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Day 1 - DH.V.0.30
Dalgas Have 15
2000 Frederiksberg C

Day 2 - DH.V.0.108
Dalgas Have 15
2000 Frederiksberg C

Registration deadline

Target Group
All teachers within higher education who want to be inspired by a new paradigm of teaching. The course is mandatory for all teaching staff at CBS.

Course Content

By participating in this course you will obtain:

  • Tools and opportunities to reflect on and develop your personal style of teaching.
  • Insight into students' learning processes.
  • Basic teaching techniques such as introducing and rounding off class sessions, using examples to explain and clarify, and using visual aids to illustrate a point.
  • Methods to improve your ability to plan and carry out classroom teaching.
  • Information on learning objectives and competence profiles.

The course is based on the teaching and learning principles used at CBS and focuses on a dialogic approach to teaching. The course will alternate between group discussions and group work.

Importantly, the course draws on the teaching experiences of the participants.

Course Literature

Course manager

Tim Neerup Themsen
Department of Accounting

By participating in this course you will:
- Obtain tolls and opportunity to reflect on and develop your personal style of teaching
- Gain insight into students' learning processes
- Train methods to improve your ability to plan and carry out classroom teaching
- Acquire knowledge on learning objectives and competence profiles
- Practice basic teaching techniques such as introducing, engaging students and rounding off class sessions, blended
learning and feedback

Fee (CBS employee)

Fee (external participant)
DKK 15.000
Registration form