Pedagogical - EN

Supervision of masters' thesis - (Taught in Danish) on Campus

Time & Location

9th of October 2024
13.00 - 16:30

Location: DH.V.0.46
Dalgas Have 15
2000 Frederilsberg C  

Registration deadline

Target Group
Everybody who supervise/are going to supervise master’s thesis at CBS.
This course is mandatory for external lecturers.
Other master’s thesis supervisors who wish to learn more about thesis supervision are welcome.

Course Content
On the course you will learn about:

  • Supervisor types and supervision models: Insights from the research on thesis supervision in Denmark
  • Dialogue and types of feedback: Supervisor’s considerations and students’ needs
  • Practical tools in thesis supervision
  • CBS’ thesis rules from a supervisor’s perspective

The course consists of a class on campus.

Teaching assistants (authorized to supervise master's theses)  and external lecturers will get 3.5 prophix hours registered after participation. Teaching & Learning will do the registration.

Course Literature

Course manager
Billedresultat for vibeke ankersborg
Vibeke Ankersborg
Master’s Thesis Counsellor

After participating in the course you will have:
•Research-based knowledge about thesis supervision/Danish “vejledning”
•Knowledge about the effect of supervision and vejledning for the students
•Ability to choose the right kind of supervisor approach
•Insight into the use of tools in supervision
•Increased professional expertise in supervision

Fee (CBS employee)

Fee (external participant)
DKK 2.000
Registration form