Applicationform: PhD

In order to apply for the position, please fill in the form below and attach all relevant documentation mentioned in the job advertisement. All spaces marked with a star must be filled in. Only readable PDF files or Word files are accepted. The size of each file must not exceed 25 MB. Please observe that the filenames must not contain any symbols. We recommend that you have all documents ready before you start filling in the form as you will not be able to log off and log in to the portal again. When completed please press the “Send” button. Please be patient as it may take a little while to transmit all data. Subsequently you will receive a confirmation by mail.

See also Application requirements

Personal data
First name *
Last name *
Private address *
Postal code *
City *
Country *
E-mail *
Telephone number
Mobile number
Citizenship *
Bachelor - year of completion *
Bachelor - University/Institution *
Master - Year of completion *
Master of *
Master - University/Institution
Title of final project *
Expected date of completion of Master (If relevant)
Other relevant education
Information on previous PhD-training
PhD - Year of completion
PDD - University/institution
Title of PhD thesis
PhD - if terminated before graduation
Job history
Latest workplace
Latest occupation
Previous employment at Aalborg University ?
How did you find out about this job?
Application (Word or PDF file, max 25MB per file)
Attach application *
Attach project description *
Attach Curriculum Vitae*
Attach diploma (including grade transcripts) *
Attach other documentation - if relevant
Attach IELTS test (International English Language Testing System)
or TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign language)
Attach documentation of teaching qualifications
Attach other documentation - if relevant (Word or PDF file, max 25MB per file)
Attach other documentation
Attach other documentation - if relevant
Attach references
Attach references
Attach references
Publications - if relevant
Attach list of publications
Publications - if relevant (Word or PDF file, max 25MB per file)
Attach publication
Co-author statement - if relevant
Attach co-author statement
Publications - if relevant (Word or PDF file, max 25MB per file)
Attach publication
Co-author statement - if relevant
Attach co-author statement
Publications - if relevant (Word or PDF file, max 25MB per file)
Attach publication
Co-author statement - if relevant
Attach co-author statement
Publications - if relevant (Word or PDF file, max 25MB per file)
Attach publication
Co-author statement - if relevant
Attach co-author statement
Publications - if relevant (Word or PDF file, max 25MB per file)
Attach publication
Co-author statement - if relevant
Attach co-author statement
I accept terms of use *

Terms of use: Aalborg University is obligated to comply with applicable legislation on the protection of personal data. Personal information stored in this database will therefore be treated confidentially and used solely for recruitment purposes. Read more on our website (