PT Application Form (2024 11 QGG PhD in Plant Phenomics: AI and Robotics for High-Throughput Environmental Response Mapping )

We recommend that you have all attachments available before filling in the form. Please note that the uploaded material must be pdf only, max 20 MB, no zip.

Please be aware, there can be some difficulties filling in the Application Form on a tablet or smartphone. To make sure you don’t experience any difficulties please use a computer.

First name*
Last name*
Postal code*
Email* (only one)
Telephone (private)
Phone (mobile)
Academic background
- title*
- inst. country*
- institution*
- level*
- status*
- date of completion*
- grade point average*
Diploma and
transcripts of records*
Language skills
- proof
Additional information
If previous PhD enrolment:
  enter institution and country
Starting date*
Credit transfer on top of admission level(months)*
- reason for transfer
If industrial PhD:
 enter company
If part time:
 hours/week and reason
Financing additional info
Indicate sources and amounts of possible financial support, if any
Proof of financial support
Study additional info
Project title*
Project description*
Suggested main supervisor
- name (AU employee)
- position(*)
- institution(*)
- email(*)
Suggested co-supervisor
- name
- position(*)
- institution(*)
- email(*)
1. name*
- position*
- institution*
- email*
- recommendation*
2. name
- position(*)
- institution(*)
- email(*)
- recommendation
3. name
- position(*)
- institution(*)
- email(*)
- recommendation
Additional application material
Other information to consider
How did you find out about this call?
Financing add inf
Study add inf
Data usage
Vacancy type
Team name

1. Please indicate the highest educational level that you have attained.
If you are currently enrolled in a degree programme, and expect to complete that programme before commencing a PhD programme, indicate the degree that you expect to achieve.
If that is not the case, please indicate the degree that you have attained. 1

2. Please enter the weighted and unweighted grade point average calculated based on your transcripts' grading scale. Please enter the average for your BSc and MSc separately and clearly indicate whether the average is weighted or unweighted. For information on how to calculate the weighted average, please see our application guide. 2

3. Please upload a single file containing both the transcripts and diplomas from all your relevant BSc/MSc-level degree programmes. I.e., even if you have started/finished your MSc degree programme, you must also include the transcript and diploma of your BSc degree programme. 3

4. Please read our application guide for information about language skills. You can find our application guide here. 4

5. Credit transfer on top of admission level (months): Here you must list how many months' of credit transfer
you think you are entitled to and the reason why.
Example: If you have a bachelor's degree and the first year of a master's degree, you must write 12 months under
Credit transfer on top of admission level, and under Reason for transfer you could write: "Already started on my master's degree",
preferably with a starting date included. 5

6. If you bring any financial support with you, here you must write the name of the source and the amount
that your source is able to pay.6

7. Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that all relevant references are received at GSTS. You can either upload the reference yourself or ask the referee to send it directly to GSTS via e-mail to If you choose the latter, please upload a PDF document saying that you have done so. Please note that GSTS will not contact referees regarding outstanding references. GSTS will upload the reference to the application so it won't be visible to the applicant/you. 7

8. If you wish to upload more than one document you must scan/merge all documents into one large file and upload this.
Please note that we reserve the right to remove scientific papers, large reports, theses and the like. Instead you can
indicate a URL where the information is available. 8